Larry & Tak Videos From Tokyo Jazz 2010

As previously reported, Tak Matsumoto and Larry Carlton were given the honour to perform at the Tokyo Jazz Festival 2010. In fact, it was the first time for Tak Matsumoto to perform at Tokyo Jazz Festival. Several weeks after the festival ended, the whole festival was aired on TV including selected performances by Larry and Tak. I promised I would post the videos here once I found them. Kudos go to Youtube user ktp178tak who uploaded them.
Since they’re rips from BShi, they’re in HD. Download links for HD + embedded youtube videos after the break!
Removed the videos, but you can still check them out in the media section of BNP.
3 responses to “Larry & Tak Videos From Tokyo Jazz 2010”
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Awesome! Amazing Performance of Tak & Larry, I can wait for released the DVD TAKE YOUR PICCK Tour.
Yes, indeed. 🙂 I especially like TOKYO NIGHT. It’s my favorite track from TAKE YOUR PICK.
Hi Arthuro,
You’re doing a great job these days!
Tokyo Night is also one of my favorites with A girl from China, but I must say the live version of Take Your Pick here is awesome.
By the way, what do you think of the following theory: B’z has been to Taiwan and Hong-Kong in 2001, and then went to the USA the next year. Tak and Larry are going soon to Taiwan and Hong-Kong, so they could go elsewhere in 2011, why not in Europe…