Tag Archives: Linkin Park
Recalling the March 11th Disaster

More than a year has passed since a very strong earthquake hit Japan. The resulting Tsunamis that hit the east coast of Japan caused the deaths of more than 10,000 people. But that is not all, the Tsunami that hit the coast of Japan destroyed the cooling systems of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which led to the most disastrous nuclear power incident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The situation has still not been resolved although it’s not that often on the news anymore.
B’z has been hard at work, trying to support the efforts to rebuild destroyed homes and provide supplies by donating 50 million yen in March 2011. Furthermore, during their tour in support of their latest album C’mon, fans in attendance were able to buy so-called “charity merchandise items” where 100% of the proceedings would go to charity. The band has announced on April 9, 2012 that they raised about 64,301,000 Yen which will be donated to Save the Children JAPAN as well as ChildFund JAPAN.
The band has also collaborated with Linkin Park on their Music for Relief project and decided to do a charity concert together in LA. Together, they were able to raise $357,000 for the people in Japan.
Check out the video after the break. Mike also explains how he got to know B’z.
Message From B’z About Music For Relief Participation

B’z Official Website now also reports that B’z is participating in Music For Relief by contributing a song to the tracklist: HOME English version.
B’z has also taken the time to say a few words as to why they’re participating:
Our country now faces a crisis we’ve never experienced before. In order to rebuild the beautiful houses in our country, we all have to do something. If playing music can help people in the disaster zone, then that’s what we can do for them right now. And as such, that’s exactly the thing we have do to right now.
B’z Participating In Music For Relief

Linkin Park’s non-profit organization “Music For Relief” has started to collect donations for earthquake victims in Japan. If you donate only $10, you’ll get access to a growing number of songs available for download. B’z, among others, has contributed a song to the tracklist: The English version of HOME.
If you’d like to donate $10 to the earthquake victims, head over to http://japan.downloadtodonate.org/. You can donate using your credit card or PayPal.
Music for Relief: http://www.musicforrelief.org/main/